Pistachio Pancakes with Rose Butter !

Pistachio Pancakes with Rose Butter  !

I had been thinking about this flavor combination since many days. Initially, I was in the mood to make a cake and fill it with rose cream. But, before I could experiment I thought of trying it in small quantities. I had this perfect opportunity last week when I was home alone and wanted to eat something for breakfast but turned out I made it to lunch. I had prepared some apricot pistachio frangipane tart and had some leftover pistachio frangipane so what is the best use of it then try making pancakes. I used the pistachios we bought from our Greece trip. Oh , I tell you they turned out so good. I felt so happy and content. And, I had perfect lunch of pancakes. Yes, lunch. You can have them for dinner as well.



1 1/4 cup of ground pistachio

1 tsp cardamom powder

¾ cup all Purpose flour

2 tsp baking powder

½ tsp Salt

1 egg

2 tbsp melted butter plus extra for pancakes

½ cup – 1 cup milk


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Compound butter:

4 tsp of rose petal jam (I used the one I bought from SOFRA, Boston)

½ cup Butter



Compound butter

Place softened butter in a medium sized bowl. Mash with a fork. Add rose petal jam to the butter. Mix well. Place on a square of wax paper, shaped like a log. Roll it around a bit, so it’s nice and compact and uniform. Roll the wax paper around the butter. Twist the ends like a piece of candy. Refrigerate until firm (about 1 hour).  You can also use it immediately; it would not be firm but nice at room temperature. For pancakes, anyways it will melt and taste better. So, I prefer serving it at room temperature.



Take all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl ground pistachios, cardamom, all purpose flour, baking powder and salt. Mix it well.

Take ½ cup milk, add the egg and butter and whisk all the wet ingredients together in a separate bowl.

Now, mix the wet ingredients to the dry mix and mix well until it does not look lumpy. If the batter is thin, I would add a little bit more flour.  If the batter is too thick then add the other half of the milk. That way you get the consistency that you want.

On the hand, heat a griddle or pan to cook the pancakes on medium heat. Grease it with a little bit of butter.

Using a measuring cup, pour about ¼ cup of batter enough to form a pancake.

Let it cook on one side, you will be able to see bubbles and then flip it. Let it cook on another side for half a minute and check if it is well done.  Work with rest of the batter in the same way until you have used all your batter.

Just before serving you can warm them in the pre heated oven for few minutes.

Serve it with a dollop or two of rose petal jam butter.

Variations: You can also use rose petal cream cheese or whipped cream with rose petal jam. I went with simple butter which packed a lot of flavor in itself.   Next time, I thought of trying a nice sabayon sauce with rose petal jam flavor. I assure you it will fantastic in any way you make it.


Hope you like it ! Happy Valentine’s Day !

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